Another name for this disease – degenerative-destructive defeat of the spine, affects the body of the vertebrae, ligamentous and articular apparatus, the intervertebral discs. As often diagnosed in men and women, usually develops after 30 years. According to statistics this disease suffer from 50 to 80% of the population.

Classification of symptoms when the cervical osteochondrosis
The development of this disease is sometimes occurs earlier, 30-35 years, so arise the symptoms of the disease can no longer even in the adolescent age. Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease are described in detail below, the disease has become a real problem of the modern world. Sedentary work, long stay in front of your computer is negatively affect the condition of the health, well-being. All the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease are associated with disturbances in the operation of several systems:
- In more advanced cases, symptoms of squeezing, compromised the integrity of the spinal cord, which is located in the spinal canal.
- The disease process is able to affect the peripheral nervous system. Negative action of the exposed roots of the spinal cord, near the canters, the deformation of the pain of cartilage.
- In some cases, a pinched vertebral artery. These blood vessels supply the cells of the brain nutrients, oxygen. Disruption of these processes leads to a sharp deterioration in the well-being of a person.

It is known that one of the first signs of the development of disease – pain in the cervical region. First, it passes quickly, has a batch of character, but then becomes chronic. Major sites of localization of pain become:
- the occipital muscles (amplified when turning the neck, the slopes of the head);
- shoulder area;
- neck.
Sick can different ways depending on the location of the fireplace of defeat, discomfort can be sharp, shooting, regularly ease, wear the pain and permanent nature. Over time, the movement of the head difficult, which is related with the tension of the neck muscles. If there is a pinched artery, sometimes there was cervical migraine (during the weakening of the blood circulation, lack of oxygen will appear a headache).
In some cases, squeezing the blood vessels of the circulatory system, which ensure the supply of oxygen, nutrients into the human brain, the inner ear. For this reason, there arises a nausea in osteochondrosis. Accompanies this symptoms, as a rule, loss of appetite, which becomes the reason for the weight reduction, lack of the right nutrients. In the later stages of the disease may induce vomiting when turning the head, walking or slopes. It has to do with a lack of revenue of blood to the middle ear, where is located the center of balance.
Neurological symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease

Some of the manifestations of the disease is not immediately attributable to a characteristic of the characters. It is necessary to know, what are the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis cannot be left unnoticed, for example, the lack of air. While the loss of this department may develop a syndrome of irritation of the phrenic nerve. The patient have difficulty in breathing, lack of oxygen, causing shortness of breath, and even a strong sigh.
This speech pathology is often accompanied by snoring, amplifies it, if you have uncomfortable situation during sleep. This leads to the fact that a person rests at night he wakes up with a feeling of overall malaise, weakness, feel tired and overwhelmed. This condition if left untreated can lead to deterioration of memory, reduced concentration and irreversible changes of the brain tissue.
Vestibular symptoms
Another direction, as manifested osteochondrosis of the cervical – vestibular symptoms. Supply the brain with all essential nutrients is done through the vertebrates the arteries. If develops cervical osteochondrosis, in which a disturbed inner ear, the patient is experiencing tinnitus and ringing. In some cases, these symptoms adds to the disorder or hearing loss.
Com in my throat
In some cases, the disease manifests itself only on one symptom – hard to swallow. It created a feeling that formed a ball in the neck in osteochondrosis of the cervical, feeling sore, itching, dryness, difficulty swallowing. The data manifestations are associated with impaired conduction neuro-vascular trunks emanating from the spinal cord. Com in the throat, is not a specific symptom of degenerative disc disease, may indicate a tumor or an inflammatory process. By the looks of this property be sure to seek medical help.
Visual symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease
Symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine may be different, but the most common include disturbances in visual acuity. Supply of visual analysers is going through the sleepy, and the vertebrate arteries. If there is a decrease in blood circulation happens for a reason squeezing the last, begins to decrease in view, which is not improving when wearing glasses. Cervical osteochondrosis – symptoms:

- low blood pressure;
- "floating", flashing point;
- atherosclerosis of the arteries in the brain;
- breach we will focus on the subject;
- fog, mist before the eyes.
Characteristic sign that the reduction of terms occurs because of the pinch points of the vertebrae blood vessels, disorders of blood circulation, lack of improvement while wearing glasses, performing special exercises. A state change will help only the timely treatment of the underlying disease (before the emergence of irreversible lesions of the tissue).
The clamp on the blood vessels signs of
The spine plays an important role in the human body, so any disease affecting many systems. There are some clamp on the blood vessels symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, which point to this disease. These include sudden loss of consciousness. This is the most unpleasant, dangerous symptom, which is inherent in this disease. This happens because of violations of blood circulation, when do you think the heart arteries temporarily stops the flow of blood.
Significant spasm of the arteries occurs because of the reaction, the deformation of the bony processes on the irritation of the nerve endings. If your friend osteochondrosis of the cervical, and he lost consciousness, it is necessary to put her down, lift legs and on a small ridge to enhance the outflow of blood from the extremities and increase the supply to the main brain. After that people, as a rule, quickly fit into each other.
Instability of blood pressure – another symptom of the disease from this group. Doctors can diagnose the interruption of the indicators, if the disturbed blood circulation. It is not a specific symptom is a degenerative disease of the disc, but fits into the overall picture of the disease. Blood pressure can sharply fall or rise. The person feels a worsening of the condition, therefore, is necessary to ensure the peace.
Previously it was described that when this disease sometimes occurs loss of consciousness. This applies to cases when the blood supply to the brain, was very difficult. Often patients who experience dizziness during cervical osteochondrosis. It is a common symptom that accompanies all patients with this disease. This phenomenon has spontaneous character of the manifestations. The cause of this condition becomes a reduction in the supply amount of oxygen to the inner ear. You can find it in the brain, is responsible for the feeling of balance. Dizziness occurs when:
- rotation of the head, the neck;
- if you suddenly get up from the bed.
The temperature at osteochondrosis

In some cases, the pathological processes of the distributed structures of the cervical segment of the spinal cord. This happens when an increase in disk, stenosis of the channel. The temperature in osteochondrosis – a response of the organism to the data of pathology. The same reaction is possible in the syndrome of the vertebral artery. This is a common phenomenon in osteochondrosis of the last stages of the development of the disease. So the temperature increase refers to the nonspecific symptoms of the disease.
This character may not be present, the thermoregulation of the body can be in the standard. If you feel constant pain in the neck, the shoulders, the neck and when turning or tilt of the head leads to deterioration, it is necessary to turn to a specialist, to undergo examination. Lack of treatment will inevitably lead to the fact that the condition gets worse, the level of comfort of life will decline.