Pain under the left shoulder blade of the back of the back occurs in all age groups of the population, both young children and the elderly.
This fact is due to a wide range of reasons that provoke negative sensations, from prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position for the body to serious pathologies of the body.
a little anatomy
The scapula is a flat triangular bone adjacent to the rib cage from the back in the region of ribs II to VII. Performs liaison, protection, reinforcement and motor skills functions.
The scapula connects the girdle of the upper limbs to the arms and breastbone. It protects the shoulder joint, protects the lungs and the aorta from mechanical stresses. Certain muscles extending from the shoulder blades are designed to strengthen and support the shoulder joints. Thanks to these parts of the skeleton, the mobility of the shoulder girdle is ensured, their functions extend even to the lower limbs. The bone is supplied by nerve roots emanating from the cervico-thoracic region.
The underlying causes of pain in the shoulder blades on the left side are quite varied. Painful sensations can be;
- painful;
- like dull pains;
- with increased intensity;
- hard when you catch your breath;
- pulling;
- burning;
- permanent, no passage;
- stab wounds (lumbago);
- oppressive;
- throbbing;
- point.
Important! Often the cause of pain is the prolonged presence of the body in an uncomfortable position, as well as muscle stretching due to physical exertion. They go away on their own and, as a rule, do not require medical intervention.
Long-term pain syndrome, as well as its systematic nature, makes consultation with a specialist a necessity. Acute pain in the region of the left scapula requires urgent medical attention, since the factor does not exclude the manifestation of angina, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, activation of inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
Pain affecting the lower part of the left shoulder blade of the back is often the result of injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and pathologies of internal organs.
Musculoskeletal system
Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are provoked by various injuries:
- fractures and cracks caused by impacts, falls, traffic accidents, etc. The aching pain intensifies when a person makes movements. In addition, the damaged area swells, bruises appear, mobility decreases;
- dislocations, which are observed in rare cases and occur with a strong shake to the arm or a blow to the scapula. In this case, the bone turns, moves, takes an abnormal position. Its lower edge is compressed between the ribs.
The muscles connecting the scapula and the spine are overloaded, causing stretching with possible rupture.
Pain in the left scapula region in the back caused by trauma occurs immediately after the injury and does not go away until the patient recovers.
In addition to injuries, pain in the scapula region of the back is often caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Pain syndrome under the scapula, which is a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis (dystrophic-degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs of the spine) is spontaneous, can be painful and pulling. An increase in pain is observed when a person remains in a sitting position for a long time and during physical exertion. Taking medication does not bring relief.
A pinched and inflamed intercostal nerve becomes the cause of unbearable pain in the breastbone, in the area where it runs. The syndrome intensifies with the movement of a person, when he coughs, sneezes, inhales deeply, changes body position. The permanent or paroxysmal pain syndrome is acute, strong and throbbing. Sometimes the pain is in the heart area, in the lower back, and is reflected in the neck and arms. It can also affect the scapula.

Manifestations of intercostal neuralgia are similar to those caused by heart problems, cholecystitis, angina, pleurisy. Only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis.
With inflammation of the shoulder tendon and the capsule of the shoulder joint without directly damaging the joint and cartilage (periarthritis), the pain affects the shoulder joint, sometimes the area between them. shoulder blades and the bone itself. They differ in sharpness and amplification at night. The disease is accompanied by a slight swelling of the shoulder, an increase in temperature between 37 and 37, 4 ºС, limitation of circular movements of the shoulder. Pathology is widespread and is diagnosed as a result of injuries, bruises, increased stress on the shoulder joint.
With inflammation of the cervical muscles (myositis), caused by their overwork or infection, severe pain affects the entire cervico-brachial region, radiates to the scapula, occipital region and arms.
Muscle pain in the scapula occurs as a result of physical exertion or impact on the bone.
Pain in a malignant lesion of the bone structure or soft tissues refers to the initial manifestation of the disease. At first, they do not differ in intensity and appear periodically, which complicates the timely diagnosis. The development of pathological processes leads to an increase in the severity of negative sensations that haunt a person even at rest, mainly at night. Are not eliminated by non-narcotic pain relievers. In addition, the bone is deformed, the surrounding tissues swell, the skin above the malignant focus changes, fractures occur that are not associated with injury.
In the presence of an inflammatory process in the bone (osteomyelitis) caused by streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, Escherichia coli and other infectious agents, the patient is exposed to high temperatures, chills and increased bloodcardiac frequency. There are complaints of back pain in the area of the scapula and muscles, which decrease when the abscess is opened.
To consider! Painful manifestations under or above the left scapula and in the bone region are inherent in birth defects. These include aplasia (lack of organ), hypoplasia (insufficient bone development), pterygoid scapula, Sprengel's disease. At the same time, a person often suffers from a cosmetic defect and limited physical activity.
Herniated discs and protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine cause compression of the nerve roots by bone formations, which causes pain during movement, especially when the head is tilted.
Heart and blood vessels
Back pain under the left shoulder blade is often the result of cardiovascular problems.
Chest pain in the middle or left, extending to the upper part of the body, signals a myocardial infarction. At the same time, there may be a strong burning sensation under the left shoulder blade from the back to the back. It is impossible to clearly characterize the pain syndrome. It can be painful or manifest in an acute form.
Lack of blood supply to the myocardium causes an attack of angina pectoris, characterized by chest pain on pressure or compression, often radiating to the left scapula, arm, and lower jaw. In this case, blood pressure may rise, sweating and pallor appear.

Angina attacks usually occur in stressful situations or as a result of increased physical exertion. They are stopped by nitroglycerin. When the duration of the pain syndrome exceeds 20 minutes or the drugs do not provide relief, a myocardial infarction is suspected.
High blood pressure or atherosclerotic lesions lead to an aneurysm (enlargement) or dissection of the aorta (incomplete rupture or tear of the endothelium, followed by dissemination of blood between the layers of the vascular wall).
Small aneurysms do not manifest themselves in any way. As they increase, the person begins to feel a dull ache in the back. The exfoliating aneurysm is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture. With a tear, the painful sensation is sharp and short-lived. It affects the chest and back, causing a reflex decrease in blood pressure and fainting. After a while, a person feels a burning pain in the chest, arms, neck, under the left shoulder blade. The syndrome cannot be eliminated with the help of available drugs. In such a condition, a fatal outcome is very possible, therefore, urgent medical attention is required.
Pain under the left shoulder blade is caused by:
- ischemia - a lack of blood supply to the heart;
- pericarditis - inflammatory processes in the pericardium;
- endocarditis - an inflammatory disease of the inner lining of the heart;
- myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle.
Disorders of the autonomic nervous system cause vegetative dystonia. The disease is characterized by many manifestations, including pain syndrome under the left scapula, similar to the heart. In addition, a person suffers from irritability, memory impairment, increased sweating, etc.
Respiratory system
Painful sensations under the left scapula are not excluded with diseases of the respiratory system.
With pneumonia on the left side, there is slight pain in the chest or under the left scapula - a dull and painful character, worse during movement or with deep breathing. Concomitant symptoms include an increase in temperature to critical values, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, etc.
With the formation of necrotic cavities in the left lung, accompanied by inflammatory processes and the formation of pus, a pain syndrome is observed in the thoracic region, in some cases with irradiation of the scapula. Pathology is accompanied by a cough with purulent sputum, shortness of breath, lack of air during breathing.
The diagnosis of left pleurisy (accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity) is made on the basis of the following symptoms: sharp chest pain, sometimes radiating under the scapula, fever, shortness of breath, dry cough and other manifestations.
Important! Almost all diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by pain, are characterized by a cough of a different nature.
The appearance of pain under the left scapula is also possible due to acute bronchitis, tracheitis or tracheobronchitis.
Digestive tract
Pain in the region of the left scapula is often inherent in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and requires urgent medical intervention.
For ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, paroxysmal pain is characteristic. Prolonged famine causes them. They can appear immediately after a meal or later.
Perforated ulcers cause unbearable sharp pain, accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, etc. Failure to assist the patient within 12 hours of the onset of the disease leads to acute poisoning and may lead to death of the patient.
Inflammation of the pancreas in acute form causes pain in the upper, middle or left side of the abdomen. In some cases, they give way under the scapula. The pathology causes nausea, vomiting, bloating and other disorders of the digestive system.
Some injuries cause the spleen to rupture. This does not cause immediate internal bleeding, but causes a dull ache under the left shoulder blade. In such cases, delaying treatment can cost the patient his or her life.
In addition, esophageal spasm, calculative cholecystitis, gastroesophagitis, and reflux can all cause pain in the left scapula.
Diagnostic methods, treatment
In each case, the specialist asks the patient about the accompanying manifestations, palpates the painful area, looks for blood pressure and heart rate stability in order to exclude pathological processes that may require urgent action.

Self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited. If the back hurts for no reason for a long time, it is necessary to consult a therapist, who, according to the general clinical picture, will determine the need for a special diagnosis.
Accurate determination of the causes of the pathology is carried out with the help of:
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- urine analysis;
- x-ray for possible problems with the musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs;
- electrocardiograms to rule out heart disease;
- computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with insufficient data obtained by radiography;
- fibrogastroduodenoscopy for suspected diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Based on these diagnostic measures, the therapist determines why the pain is manifesting, then refers to a doctor of restricted profile (traumatologist, vertebrologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist or neuropathologist), who determines the treatment regimen.
Important! For pain under the left scapula, analgesics only weaken the syndrome and often prevent a reliable diagnosis. Pain relievers should only be prescribed by a specialist as part of overall treatment.
There is no universal cure for pain under the left shoulder blade. As the patient recovers, the negative symptom will gradually go away. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and involves a variety of methods.
To avoid pain in the shoulder blades, you need to take care of your health and, in case of a negative symptom, immediately seek help from a specialist.