Osteoarthritis – it is degenerative change of the articular cartilage not inflammatory in nature. This process arises in most cases due to the natural aging of the organism.
According to statistics, osteoarthritis is considered a fairly common disease, as they suffer according to various estimates, from 10% to 15% of the population of different countries.

This disease is typical for the age category of 45 years and more. Although they have their place exceptions, when arthritis was observed in less than the age group of people as a result of delegated injury, severe disease, fractures, inherent to a greater extent athletes.
As usual, arthritic pain, patients experience able lot, but it is worth it to them to sit helena to lie down in a comfortable position for the affected limb, such as pain, the manifestations subside. With the progression of the disease is enhanced by the distinctive crunching of the joints, reduces the amplitude of the normal movements of the joints of the observed deformation of the joint components.
Osteoarthritis – what is it?
Why there is osteoarthritis, and what is it? The disease develops due to metabolic disorders in the joint, which in turn sees to it that your cartilage begins to lose elasticity. It can contribute the full helena partial loss of from the composition of the proteoglycans of the cartilage, because it is happening, as usual, due to the relatively deep cracks in the cartilage.
- Osteoarthritis primary — begins without any noticeable on something will cause and affect the unaltered articular cartilage at the same time in many of the joints; more commonly observed in people over 40 years. Primary osteoarthritis is also the result of the violation ratios in the cartilage of processes of synthesis and degeneration, and is accompanied by impaired function of chondrocytes. In the cartilage in the arthritic changes are dominated by processes of destruction.
- The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis are significant changes in metabolic processes: blood circulation, salt exchange, and the outflow of lymphatic circulation, hormonal disorders in the assimilation of the necessary connections between substances. Hormonal changes, leading to osteoarthritis, often occur in women elderly and advanced age, when they come in the regular changes in the hormonal background.
Within the group of risks it is possible to classify people:
- with excessive body weight;
- with hereditary disorders;
- older age;
- with specific professions;
- with metabolic disorders in the body;
- with a shortage of trace elements;
- she suffered injuries on the spine;
- engaged in some sports.
Betrayal arthrosis lies in the fact that the pathological changes in the cartilage of the affected joint, for a long time does not manifest itself by any symptoms – pain and difficulty of movements are evident only at the time when the destruction reaches the periosteum, which is located under the cartilage.
Arthrosis 1, 2 and 3 degrees
We distinguish three degrees of arthrosis of the joints:
- 1 the degree of the disease takes place almost without visible symptoms. Only occasionally it is possible to painful sensations while driving or other types of physical activity. Already in the first stage of arthrosis occur pathological changes in the synovial fluid of the joint, as this weakens the muscular apparatus, but is undergoing changes.
- 2 the degree of arthrosis marked the start of joint destruction, are the first osteophytes. The pain becomes more tolerable, but significant. Clearly is hear the crunch in the affected joints. A violation of muscle function in the memory of the violations of the reflective neurotrophic regulation.
- 3 the degree of arthrosis – articular cartilage thinning, there are extensive area of the fracture. Celebrating the significant deformation of the articular surfaces with the change of the axis of the limb. Due to the disruption of the normal relationship between the anatomical structures of the joint and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissue, the ligaments become unsustainable and shortened, because of which develops pathological mobility of the joint in combination with the restriction of the natural range of motion. Arise contractures, and subluxation. Periarticular muscles stretched helena cropped, the ability to reduce weakened. Nutrition of the joint and the surrounding tissues disturbed.
During the disease characterized by phases of exacerbation and phases of remission. It greatly makes it difficult to separate a diagnosis of arthritis, only rely on their own feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to look for indicating the diagnosis of the doctor.

Osteoarthritis has some first indications, on the basis of his classification, but there is a general list:
- Painful, which is amplified in wet weather and since at low temperatures;
- The joint is increased in volume, due to the deformation, and the osteophytes;
- The temperature of the skin around the diseased joint increases. One can observe a general increase in temperature.
- The joint begins to swell, observed swelling and sealing;
- When the voltage and the work of the joint is heard and perceived distress helen creak from the friction of bone formations.
In later stages pain may also occur in a calm state due to stagnation of blood and increased intraosseous pressure.
The symptoms of arthrosis
Arthritis belongs to the category of chronic diseases. Sometimes the disease can quietly run for years, just occasionally reminiscent of pain when loading the joint helena awkward movement.
But it happens, and so that the disease is rapidly evolving to severe stage just a few months. In any case, it is important to note, if left untreated, osteoarthritis, its symptoms will over time increase, deteriorating the quality of life, and in severe cases – which sees the disability and immobilization.
So, in the osteoarthritis of the main symptoms of the following:
- Pain pain in the joint. This is especially apparent when a different kind of load on the joint pain, when walking up the stairs.
- The pain of the entire and crunching in the joint. The pain of the entire manifested during hypothermia. Crisp initially is not strong, but if left untreated, over time it will be heard and the surrounding area.
- The formation of lumps. This symptom is typical further of diseases of the joints – arthritis. But when osteoarthritis arises swelling only during exacerbation and is not accompanied by acute pain, as well pain. She is very noticeable and brings considerable discomfort.
Sometimes the pain in the evening can increase. Sometimes there is pain in the joint tends to be very active, its manifestation depends on the load. In his youth arthrosis can get development from the great physical exertion helena after the injury.
Diagnosis of arthrosis
Diagnosis is mainly based on the definition of the predisposing factors, such as the emergence of pain and discomfort in the movement of the joints. During the formation of the above-described symptoms of the disease, it is possible to perform x-ray and radionuclide and morphological stock.
All the researches are carried out only in laboratory conditions, and to foreclose on them must give only the qualified experts. On our site you can always ask the questions that you have about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of arthrosis in the comments below.
Preventive measures for the prevention of arthrosis are available to everyone. Include mild physical stress (it should not cause pain in the joints), balanced diet and the daily consumption of all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
Often, how to get rid of arthrosis prevents overweight, so should be very carefully treat your diet and in case of the need to follow a diet.
So it is necessary to remember that arthritis belongs to the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion of the effectiveness of treatment to achieve permanent remission and improve the patient's condition.

Treatment of arthrosis
When diagnosed osteoarthritis treatment at this point – is it a serious and current problem. And although the number of drugs used in arthritis, is constantly increasing, provide only symptomatic effect. And as long as even one of the drugs has become a drug in the treatment of joints.
Plan and methods of treatment depends on the stage and the symptoms of arthrosis, often originally to eliminate the feelings of pain, as in the second and third stage of the disease can be very painful. It is also possible to anti-inflammatory therapy in the accompanying inflammation of the joint.
The basic scheme of the pharmacological treatment of arthritis includes the application:
- NSA with the aim of reducing the pain syndrome and the removal of the inflammatory process.
- Drugs from the group of chondroprotectors, in the composition of which contains such active ingredients, such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
- When a heavy course of the disease may require intra-articular introduction of medicines-corticosteroids. Data drugs quickly remove the inflammatory process and normalize mobility of the affected joint.
- After removal of the inflammatory process, it may be necessary to intra-articular introduction of acid hyaluronic, which acts as a lubricant and prevents the process of friction in the joints, eliminates pain, improves mobility and stimulates your own production of the salt of hyaluronic acid.
Return the bottom of this, the affected joint arthritis suffers to a large extent, is only possible with the help of to perform a surgical operation to replace a joint, without operative surgery do to the impossible.
Operative intervention
In more advanced stages of arthrosis of the knee joints of the treatment of medicines may be no longer effective, and then you need to make decisions about operating methods of healing.
There are several types of surgery:
- Joint. Replacement of articular cartilage artificial seal. After surgery significantly reduces pain and increases mobility.
- Arthroscopy. Does not require a longer recovery period, it is suitable for patients of all ages. They need to prevent the destruction of the joint. During the surgery removes the inflamed area – this is done using a thin probe and auxiliary tools.
- Prosthesis. Replacement of all components of the joint with artificial analogues. By the way, modern dentures are made from a special metal that is not rejected by the body. These grafts serve on average about ten years. After this surgery patients can lead a full life.
At home according to the instructions of the doctor, the patient can use the distraction of financial resources in the form of ointments, rastirok, gels, teas, herbs. Good results give physiotherapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), and also a spa treatment at the stage of remission (a downturn disease) with the use of natural mud and mineral baths.
Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis
A necessary condition in the treatment of arthrosis is the use of different types of exercises to prevent atrophy of the muscles and relaxation of the ligaments.
Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis are selected individually for each patient by the attending physician and an expert in healing physical education. To exercise released only after the removal of the aggravation, but later 5-6 days after the removal of pain syndrome.
The task of exercise for the treatment of arthritis is to restore mobility of the joint, aerobic exercises, increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
How to treat osteoarthritis folk remedies?
When osteoarthritis drugs cannot be avoided, but usually the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, advise to use a people's means. But it is necessary to know that the treatment of osteoarthritis, including non-traditional medicine, is based on a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, added to this are the folk recipes.

- Leaves of birch, nettle leaves and inflorescences of calendula are used in equal parts. Eventually you have to get two tablespoons. Put the obtained oil, the crushed collection into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. From the following morning, it is necessary to take half a cup of decoction of four to five times per day. The rate of intake of this recipe is two – three months.
- Egg stone prepared from fresh egg yolk which is mixed with turpentine and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:1. Fluid is necessary to thoroughly mix and rub it to the affected joint for the whole night. Then it is necessary to wrap all the waves a handkerchief. It is recommended to carry out the grating for a period of 1 month, 2-3 times a week.
- Stanislaus celery. 1-2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed celery juice to drink up to 3 times a day. You can use a decoction. Cooking 1 tbsp fresh roots 2 cups of boiling water and leave under the cover of the 4 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
- You will need a piece of soft fabric, of wool, without any synthetic additives and a head of cabbage. For a start it is necessary to grind the head, after which the well mash her using a mortar helena hands, it is desirable to use oxidizable dishes. It is then possible to press the juice in a juicer. Now take the boiled cloth and soaked in the cabbage juice, this put a compress on the sore joint. I would like to note that the squeezed juice can be stored no more than three days from the moment when pressed.
- Application of cooked oatmeal also gives good results. Take three-four tablespoons of oatmeal, pour boiling water and simmer on low heat for five to seven minutes. The used amount of water should ensure obtain a thick slurry, which is necessary to cool and use as a compress on the night. Only use recently boiled oatmeal. Yesterday's porridge for the compress is not suitable.
- In the pharmacy he bought the root of elecampane. As usual, it Packed in packs of 50 gr. For the preparation of the tincture will need a half of packing the roots of plants and 150 ml of good quality vodka. The ingredients are mixed, are placed in a dark bottle and infusion of 12 days. Grinding carried out before bedtime, and on occasion and in the morning.
Generally treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies is not able to completely replace the standard therapy (medication, physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy), but may significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, enhance the influence of other methods of therapy and accelerate the recovery.